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Managed Application Hosting

Managed Application Hosting for Optimal Performance.

Focus on your business while we handle the complexities of application management. Enjoy unmatched uptime, scalability, and robust security.
  • Expert Management
  • Unmatched Uptime
  • Scalability
  • Robust Security
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Why Choose Managed application hosting?

Every Managed application hosting plan includes:

Expert Management

Our team of experienced professionals handles the complexities of your application environment. From infrastructure setup and optimization to ongoing maintenance and updates, we ensure your applications run smoothly and efficiently. This allows you to focus on your core business while we take care of your IT needs.

Unmatched Uptime

We prioritize maximum availability for your applications. Our robust infrastructure, including redundancy and failover mechanisms, guarantees minimal downtime. Rigorous monitoring and proactive issue resolution further enhance system reliability, ensuring your business operations are uninterrupted.


Your business is dynamic, and so are your application needs. Our scalable solutions grow with your business. Whether you experience sudden traffic spikes or steady growth, we can effortlessly adjust your infrastructure to accommodate your demands without compromising performance.

Robust Security

Protecting your applications and data is paramount. Our comprehensive security measures include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular vulnerability assessments. We stay updated on the latest threats to safeguard your environment and provide peace of mind.

Performance Optimization

We are committed to delivering optimal application performance. Our team continuously monitors your systems, identifies bottlenecks, and implements performance enhancements. By leveraging advanced technologies and best practices, we ensure your applications load quickly and respond efficiently.

24/7 Support

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you. Whether you encounter an issue or require technical guidance, we provide prompt and effective support. Our proactive monitoring system also enables us to identify and address potential problems before they impact your operations.

Our Hosted Private Cloud solutions

VMware on Medha Cloud

We have designed a platform similar to the one you get on-premises, including vSphere, vCenter and vROps. With an Medha Cloud private cloud infrastructure, you benefit from our capacity for innovation. We manage the maintenance of our technologies, and your infrastructure. You also get high-performance cloud services, with options like NSX, vSAN and Veeam Managed Backup (for your backups), and Zerto (for your Disaster Recovery Plan)

Red Hat on Medha Cloud

We have designed a platform similar to the one you get on-premises, including vSphere, vCenter and vROps. With an Medha Cloud private cloud infrastructure, you benefit from our capacity for innovation. We manage the maintenance of our technologies, and your infrastructure. You also get high-performance cloud services, with options like NSX, vSAN and Veeam Managed Backup (for your backups), and Zerto (for your Disaster Recovery Plan)

Microsoft on Medha Cloud

We have designed a platform similar to the one you get on-premises, including vSphere, vCenter and vROps. With an Medha Cloud private cloud infrastructure, you benefit from our capacity for innovation. We manage the maintenance of our technologies, and your infrastructure. You also get high-performance cloud services, with options like NSX, vSAN and Veeam Managed Backup (for your backups), and Zerto (for your Disaster Recovery Plan)

We love to help, Seriously.

Product Guide
Service Delivery Executive


Considering Managed Application Hosting? We're here to help! Whether you're just starting to explore or need assistance with your setup, we’re ready to support you. I’m Bhargav, committed to making your Managed Application Hosting experience as smooth and effective as possible. Reach out to me on your favorite social media platform—I’m here to streamline your application management and drive your success.

Our Clients

Frequently asked questions

Managed application hosting is a service where a third-party provider handles the setup, management, and maintenance of your application's infrastructure and software. This allows you to focus on your core business operations.

Improved performance, increased uptime, enhanced security, scalability, cost savings, and access to expert support.

Most applications can be hosted, including web applications, e-commerce platforms, enterprise software, and databases.

Services typically include server management, application deployment, monitoring, security, backups, and technical support.

Yes, most managed hosting providers offer scalable solutions to accommodate fluctuations in traffic and application growth.

Robust security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, regular security audits, and data encryption are typically included.

Pricing is typically based on factors such as the number of applications, resources required, and level of support needed.

Some providers offer flexible contract options, while others may require longer-term commitments.

Migration timelines vary depending on the complexity of your applications and the provider's processes.

What our clients said about us!

We were initially unsure about managed application hosting, but Medha Cloud won us over. Their service has freed up our IT team and keeps our applications running smoothly
Menzhi Youness
Chief Executive Officer
Medha Cloud’s proactive monitoring and maintenance have eliminated our unexpected downtime, and their support team is always available to assist us.
We've been using Medha Cloud's Managed Application Hosting for over a year. Their platform is robust, secure, and scalable. We've experienced significant cost savings and improved application performance.
Amine Mahmoud
Medha Cloud's Managed Application Hosting gives us the flexibility to scale our applications as needed. Their highly customizable platform allows us to adapt it to our specific requirements.
Vijay Krishna
Head of Business Development
We were impressed with Medha Cloud's security measures for managed application hosting. Their robust security protocols give us peace of mind knowing our applications and data are protected
Chairman of the Board
Medha Cloud's Managed Application Hosting has been a game-changer for our business. Their expert team handles everything, from deployment to maintenance. We've seen a significant improvement in application performance and reliability.
Saju P
General Manager
The migration to Medha Cloud's Managed Application Hosting was seamless. Their team handled the entire process, minimizing disruptions to our business operations. We've seen a noticeable increase in application speed and reliability.
Rohtash Singh
Senior Vice President

Learn more about Managed Application Hosting

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